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电话: 0731-88122768
传真: 0731-88115258
姓名: Anrry Whue
Boyun Brakes Materials Co.,Ltd.

  A state-owned big brake materials *域名隐藏* ing on Central South University,Boyun develop,produce and sell all kinds of medium-high class brake pads and brake linings. The factory coverage amount to 133340 square meters and building coverage is 45000 square *域名隐藏* are 6 automatic production lines for brake pads,and all the machines are imported from Europe and *域名隐藏* output is about 15,000,000 pcs brakes,including 1000 varieties. Company also were verified by ISO9001:2000 qual

主要产品/业务: R/D,manufacturing and sales of automobile brake pads,brake linings and brake shoes.

Boyun Brakes Materials Co.,Ltd. / 湖南 / No.500 Lusong Road,High-tech Development Zone,Changsha,Hunan,CN (410502) / 电话:0731-88122768

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